In a world where we ‘apparently’ have to be people who society accepts, what are the odds of being truly happy?

Sometimes it’s not just the church that shames us,

Sometimes it’s the people we love who shame us.

[Once upon a time…]

They fitted me in shoes that were too tight and zipped me up in clothes that sleeved my identity

They built a plague of bitterness around my gender and orientation and labeled me the rodent flee, sometimes an outcast, other times evil.

[As if ‘twas indeed infectious]

I saw that I was broken into a million pieces and I felt how my heart ceased, the tears that my eyes released - being afraid and confused in this hell of a universe.

I folded into a book that was hard to read; [even, ‘I’ never understood its context]

In there was nothing but a gibberish heap of disappointment, insecurity, fear, and rage

I felt the need to hide my truth yet their sod kept thrusting my soul, It left a scar in my heart that didn’t fade.

So I stood vis-a-vis with the mirror…

Looking hard to find the faults in my demeanor 

And ended up drawing a sad face in the mist and muddle cos I saw a stranger in my reflection.

I was lost - [A whited sepulchre]

But what’s in to gain? - Giving a piece of you away just because they don’t think it’s the right way? 

I choose to live in my perfect reality, to live in my truest form, to light the shadows of my soul that’s been left in the dark all my life, I choose to be me. 

I am Peace “Jarrell” Bessong, and this is my story. 

#VoiceOverScript #DocuVoiceOver




‘GOD’ [what is love?]